Gunson Battery Tester Dial Type.

A simple but effective tool that will identify the state of the battery whether hot or cold.

Suitable for use on 6, 12 and 24 volt batteries.
Additional Information:
- Dial tester.
- Tests battery charge instantly hot or cold.
- Helps to avoid dead batteries.
- Can be used on 6 | 12 | 24V batteries
- Rubber and plastic body.
If your car battery has detachable cell caps and you have access to the battery electrolyte (acid) the new Gunson dial type Battery Tester offers a quick and easy solution to checking both state of charge and battery condition.
Ideal for classic cars, and suitable for 6, 12 and 24 volt batteries.

The specific gravity of the electrolyte is measured and if in the red zone, then charge the battery.
As all battery cells are measured, then faulty or dead cells are easily spotted and indicate that battery replacement is required.
Gunson Article Number: 77104